
Friday, October 03, 2008

Willowbrook Documentary on Amazon

Get the new version of Unforgotten: 25 Years After Willowbrook, which includes the original footage of Geraldo Rivera's 1972 expose.


  1. i just want to say that i think all of you are brave and i cried when i saw the movie i now work for the nysarc in norwood, ny and i am pround to know each and everyone of you and i wish the best for you my name is ashley bevins

  2. I watched this a few months ago, heartwrenching and very eye opening. I work with an agency that services adults and children with developmental disabilities. Let me know when your book is finished I'd love to read it!!

  3. I just online about Willowbrook. I heard about it back in the '80s. I have a handicapped son and I cannot imagine leaving him in a home anywhere, other my home. The conditions at Willowbrook were completely horrible. I teared up when I first about it. God bless all handicapped children and their parents who lovingly take care of them.

  4. i was 6 years old when oraldo come to willowbrook.
